On any Sunday…

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…The synod’s retiring real estate consultant, David Langridge, might burn up the miles on his bike. Eighteen months from his 80th birthday, Mr Langridge insists that he hasn’t grown up yet. A statement not far from the truth as he plans to spend some of his free time roaring around on his new BMW motor bike, touring ‘with a group of guys’.

Mr Langridge describes his position with the Uniting Church as his happiest time in real estate, ‘working with a great team of people’. In his eight years at the synod, he has sold a great many church properties, happily foregoing the normal commission which accompanies a real estate career for the satisfaction of grateful congregations.

A fourth generation real estate man, selling property is definitely in his blood. The Langridge name, linked to nearly 150 years of real estate activity in Melbourne, has come to a full stop. And while he might still undertake the odd consultancy, full leathers, some fresh country air with wife Jennie and time with two granddaughters aged eight and five are beckoning.

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